Wednesday, 5 November 2008

Haikus for Reese

I missed the deadline
(obviously), of which I
am very ashamed.

Yes, I am aware
that these haikus aren’t proper
ones, but I don’t care

frankly. You did not
specify a minimum
amount of verses,

so I shall use my
judgement, and stop when I can’t
construct any more.

There is no way I
am going to write ‘how I
feel’ about affairs.

I think perhaps if
I were to write about no-
thing, and merely use

nonsense to enforce
the pattern of the poem,
that would be better.

I hicwite paituc
a sexy mxeal ayoubl.
Zpy hih nou ho lpic?

Cpawn i cloj lpic boz?
I ho lpibt i dellux pah.
Kaxe zeww lo nou aww.


Anonymous said...

Very well done, Adam! What about doing poems in Sapphice Strophe next time, eh? :)
I always get excited when there's a new post on Consequent Bloggers. And you two never fail to live up to my expectations. You're made of awesome, keep it up! :D

Anonymous said...

sorry, I just had to correct myself... :)